Many of our clients at Inner Garden Health embark on the journey of deep liver cleansing following the guidance of Andreas Moritz’s book, The Amazing Liver and Gallbladder Flush. A ground breaking book in the holistic health field, it is considered the foremost manual on liver cleansing.
So why cleanse the liver and what exactly does the liver do? Let’s do a brief overview with some excepts from Andreas Moritz’s book.
Where is the liver located and what is the function of the liver?
The liver is a vital organ and the largest gland in the body. It weighs up to three pounds, is suspended behind the ribs on the upper right side of the abdomen and spans almost the entire width of the body. Being responsible for hundreds of different functions, it is also the most complex and active organ in the body.
Besides manufacturing cholesterol, an essential building material of organ cells, hormones and bile, the liver also produces hormones and proteins that affect the way the body functions, grows and heals. It also makes new amino acids and converts existing ones into proteins. These proteins are the main building blocks of the cells, hormones, neurotransmitters, genes, etc. Other essential functions of the liver include breaking down old worn-out cells, recycling iron and storing vitamins and nutrients. Since the liver is in charge of processing, converting, distributing and maintaining the body’s vital ‘fuel’ supply (e.g., nutrients and energy), anything that interferes with these functions must have a serious, detrimental impact on the health of the liver and the body as a whole. The strongest interference stems from the presence of gallstones. Gallstones are a hazard to all of these vital tasks and can lead to malfunctioning of its all systems and organs.(1)
Wait, what? There are gallstones in the liver? I thought they only formed in the gallbladder?
This is a common false assumption. Most gallstones are actually formed in the liver and comparatively few occur in the gallbladder.(2)
How do I know if I have gallstones in my liver?
If you suffer any of the following symptoms, or similar conditions, you likely have numerous gallstones in your liver and gallbladder: (3)
A ‘bilious’ or angry personality | Food cravings | Multiple sclerosis |
Alzheimer’s disease | Frozen shoulder | Nausea and vomiting |
Asthma | Gout | Nightmares |
Brain disorders | Hair loss and very greasy hair | Numbness and paralysis of legs |
Cancer | Headaches and migraines | Obesity |
Chronic Fatigue | Heart disease | Osteoporosis |
Clay-coloured stool | Hemorrhoids | Pain, top of a shoulder blade and/or between shoulder blades |
Cold extremities | Hepatitis | Pancreatitis |
Constipation | Hernia | Problems with vision |
Cuts or wounds that keep bleeding and don’t want heal | High cholesterol | Prostate diseases |
Dark colour under the eyes | Hormonal imbalances | Puffy eyes |
Depression | Hot and cold flashes | Sciatica |
Diarrhea | Impotence | Scoliosis |
Difficulty breathing | Joint diseases | Sexual problems |
Difficulty sleeping, insomnia | Kidney diseases | Skin disorder |
Digestive disorders | Knee problems | Stiff neck |
Dizziness and fainting spells | Liver cirrhosis | Stiffness of joints and muscles |
Dull pain on the right side | Liver spots, especially back of the hands and face | Strong shoulder and back pain |
Duodenal ulcers | Loss of muscle tone | Tongue that is glossy or coated in white or yellow |
Excessive heat and perspiration in the upper part of the body | Low appetite | Tooth and gum problems |
Excessive weight or wasting | Menstrual and menopausal disorders | Urinary problems |
Flatulence | Most infections | Yellowness of the eyes and skin |
There are other more detailed physical indicators on the skin, nose, eyes, mouth, hands, feet, etc. that can be signs of gallstones present in the liver.(4)
What are gallstones made up of and what are their colours?
There are two basic types of gallstones: cholesterol and pigment stones. Some cholesterol stones are composed of at least 60% cholesterol and have a yellowish color. Others have a pea-green color and are generally soft, like putty (these can consist of 95% cholesterol). Pigment stones are brown or black, owing to their high content of colored pigment (bilirubin). They may be calcified, are harder and more solid than the cholesterol stones. However, also cholesterol-based stones can become hard and calcified. Calcified stones can only be found in the gallbladder. (5)
What causes gallstones?
Any change in the composition of bile affects the solubility of its constituents and, hence, causes formation of gallstones. For example, insufficient water intake decreases the fluidity of bile. If this occurs, cholesterol cannot be dissolved properly; instead it reconstitutes into small and forms into small cholesterol pebbles. In time, the small pebbles gradually grow into larger ones. (6)
What factors lead to gallstones?
The the most common factors responsible for causing gallstones fall under the categories of dietary such as dehydration, the taking of pharmaceuticals, and lifestyle habits such as a disruption in sleep and waking cycles. (7)
Why cleanse the liver?
Clearing the liver and gallbladder from all accumulated gallstones helps to restore homeostasis, balance weight, and set the precondition for the body to heal itself. It also is one of the best precautions one can take to protect against illness in the future. Gallstones in the liver are one of the main impediments to acquiring and maintaining good health, youthfulness and vitality. They are, indeed, one of the major reasons people become ill and have difficulty recuperating from illness. By removing these stones, the body as a whole can move away from the symptoms of illness and is able to resume its normal, healthy, functional activities. Cleansing the liver bile ducts from gallstones is one of the most important and powerful procedures to regain or improve your health. (8)
Moritz, A. (2002) The Amazing Liver and Gallbladder Flush, 3rd Edition.
(1) Moritz, 2002, pg. 14
(2) Moritz, 2002, pg. xxiii
(3) Moritz, 2002, pg. 2-3
(4) Moritz, 2002, pg. 60-68
(5) Moritz, 2002, pg. 70
(6) Moritz, 2002, pg. 70-71
(7) Moritz, 2002, pg. 72-93
(8) Moritz, 2002, pg. 2,xxiii,xxiv,xxvii