Kicking Out Candida


Imagine an unwanted houseguest in your living room, demanding a steady stream of sugary carbohydrates. That’s Candida, and a more unpleasant houseguest I cannot imagine. Now, let us focus on how to kick it and improve your health.

Candida is a type of fungus that excretes toxic waste that can get into the bloodstream and cause symptoms of bloating, clouded thinking, depression, diarrhea, exhaustion, halitosis (bad breath), menstrual pains, thrush (pasty saliva), unclear memory recall, yeast vaginitis, and fungal nail conditions.

Conventional diets high in cooked starches (bread, baked potato, cakes, cookies, pasta) and diets loaded with refined or hybridized (seedless) fruit sugars both feed candida. When all this sugar is added into a body whose levels of good intestinal bacteria (probiotics) are low and whose tissues have become acidic due to a prolonged lack of alkaline mineral salts (which come from vegetables and superfoods) in the diet, then candida proliferates.

Those suffering from candida typically have had a history of antibiotic use. Antibiotics eliminate much of the good intestinal bacteria and allow candida to spread.

Systemic yeast infections (candidiasis) find growth potential in a damp, musty condition in the body. Candida is first a yeast, and then a fungus when its rhizoids (long roots) penetrate the tissue mucosa and bridge the boundary between the internal body and the digestive tract.

Candida is usually also present when there has been mercury poisoning. Therefore, candida symptoms decrease with heavy metal cleansing. The best heavy metal cleansing product out there right now is Natural Cellular Defense Liquid Zeolite. Please visit for more information on this incredible product.

Candida can thrive only in a dark, moldy, oxygen-deprived environment. The very first recommendation I give to those with candida is to get more direct sunlight on the skin. Most yeasts and fungi are destroyed by direct sunlight. Those with candida must get their naked bodies into the sun as much as they can. Oxygen is another key factor. Increasing oxygenation through oxygen therapies is a valuable aid in healing candida. I recommend reading Flood Your Body With Oxygen by Ed McCabe for more information on oxygen healing.

An anti-candida diet can include raw vegetables (mostly greens or non-sweet vegetables such as nopales or jicama, not potatoes or beet/carrot juices), green juices, occasional soaked nuts and seeds, seaweeds, superfoods (Vitamineral Green, powdered grasses, marine phytoplankton, chlorella), young wild coconuts (not sugary Thai coconuts), raw coconut oil butter, raw cacao butter, a wide variety of low-sugar fruits, and if you find it absolutely necessary, one medium-sized, mildly sweet fruit or small fruit serving per day – berries are best. However, sweet fruits of any type are not recommended while trying to knock out candida.

A food that provides particularly excellent benefits is raw coconut oil butter. Coconut oil butter is easily digested and is excellent for people who have trouble digesting fats. It consists of 48 percent lauric acid, a substance that exhibits anti-microbial, anti-bacterial, and anti-fungal properties. These properties help combat candida overgrowth.

An herb that provides excellent benefits against candida is reishi mushroom. Reishi mushroom extracts (powder and liquid) are widely available. If you find that the reishi extract is working for you, feel free to try other extraordinary medicinal mushrooms such as cordyceps, maitake, shitake, agaricus blazei, etc. Contrary to theories about fungus-yeast-mold reported by Dr. Robert Young, the noble medicinal mushrooms contain chemicals that kill candida. Experience will prove this to you.

High doses of healthy intestinal probiotics (acidophilus, Bifidus infantis, L. salivarius, L. plantarum, L. bulgaricus, etc.) that will colonize in the intestines are required to overcome candida.

Prebiotics are also valuable. These are foods that nourish probiotics (healthy bacterial flora). Prebiotics include foods such a chicory root, dandelion root, yacon root, and yacon root syrup.

One can find great benefit from sugar fasting, that is, eating no sweet fruit for several weeks or months and simultaneously dosing up on probiotics. For more detailed information on low-sugar, raw, anti-candida diets, please read Dr. Gabriel Cousens’ book Rainbow Green Live-Food Cuisine.

Sprouted grain can yield a slight quantity of usable sugar. When fasting from sugar for long periods, the little bit of sugar from sprouted grain can be beneficial and will not foster candida growth. Sprouted grains must be clean of fungus and of a high-quality or heirloom seed stock.

In the long term, when the desire for real sugar appears, it must be addressed with high-quality, seeded, sweet fruit, and not with cooked starch. Some sweet food must be eaten or the body will eventually go off balance. One or two pieces of non-hybridized fruit each day should be fine. Fermentation of the fruit from too many combinations must be avoided. If cooked foods are eaten, they should be non-starchy vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower, asparagus, and artichoke.

Supplements that can be helpful in the fight against candida include olive leaf extract, grapefruit seed extract, supplemental enzymes (Beauty Enzymes), MSM (methyl-sulfonyl-methane) powder, small amounts of fully-mineralized sea salt or rock salt, NCD liquid zeolite, and powdered vitamin C-rich berries such as camu camu berry powder. MSM detoxifies mercury. As mentioned, mercury poisoning seems to be a common underlying factor in candida.

Herbs that are great allies against candida include oregano, garlic, pau d’arco tea, and cat’s claw tea.

One may cautiously return to eating more sugary fruits once the body is cleansed and the candida symptoms have disappeared.

I recommend following a cleansing and intestinal rebuilding program either before or after a sugar fast, such as the EJUVA program. The following are important guidelines for herbal cleansing while overcoming candida:

1. Do not have fruit juice if you have candida, especially while on an herbal cleanse. Use only vegetable juice or water for the recommended herbal shakes.

2. Take a high-quality probiotic formula containing at least acidophilus, bifidus, and L.bulgaricus, at least 1 hour before bedtime throughout all the cleansing steps, 1/2 hour after each set of herbs, and 1/2 hour after each meal.

3. Take ample amounts of the probiotic Bifidobacterium infantis through rectal implants (either through enemas or have your colon hydrotherapist do the implant). Bifidobacterium infantis is found in breast-fed infants, and is probably the most basic of all intestinal bacteria in the human species. Be sure to have your colon hydrotherapist provide you with an implant of bifidus bacteria following each session.

There is a psychology necessary to heal chronic candida. Candida is associated with subconscious, self-destructive feelings of rejection and lack of self-worth. Negative, self-destructive thoughts destroy good bacteria in the intestinal tract and allow candida to proliferate. Positive, self-confident thoughts help good bacteria proliferate in the intestines.

An emotional cleansing is required to overcome chronic candida. Be aware that unresolved issues usually involve parents or past lovers. While healing candida (and while moving into raw foods in general), one should seek out counselors, friends, books, DVDs, and/or audiotapes that can assist with emotional release.

In review, a candida condition can be remedied by the elimination of cooked starch and antibiotics, lots of sunshine on the skin, an increase of oxygen, wholesome raw nutrition, fasting from sugar, adequate dosages of coconut oil, powdered grasses, superfoods, probiotics, probiotics, specific supplements, special herbs, and a rebuilding program with colon cleansing as well as emotional cleansing.

Those with candida should keep a clean house. Musty, moldy homes are bad for the candida sufferer. Seek out appropriate home air purifier technology. I prefer the Aranizer products.

Panty hose should not be worn; they trap moisture and lead to yeast vaginitis. All body orifices should be allowed to breathe oxygen.

Excellent low-sugar fruits

  • Avocado (fatty fruit, excellent)
  • Bell pepper (not green peppers, which are harsh and unripe)
  • Bitter melon
  • Breadfruit (raw)
  • Cranberry
  • Cucumber (very healing)
  • Grapefruit
  • Lemon (may irritate the Candida sufferer)
  • Lime (may irritate the Candida sufferer)
  • Noni
  • Okra (very healing)
  • Olives (not from a can)
  • Pumpkin
  • Sour apples
  • Squash
  • Tomatillo
  • Tomato
  • Zucchini

Anti-Candida Salad

  • Cilantro
  • Avocado
  • Lettuce
  • Parsley
  • Flax oil
  • Sprouted wild rice or barley or sprouted rye
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