Lymphatic Cleansing

Our lymphatic system, the body’s internal “drainage system” is an important part of our immunity. One of the primary roles of the lymph system is to protect the body by collecting harmful microbes, bacteria, and toxins and move them out of the body. If we are not eating as healthy, exercising, getting enough sleep, or under a lot of stress, toxins and waste may build up that cause congestion in the lymphatic system. This may even happen in our winter months of slower activity.
Some gentle yet active cleansing support can be beneficial to refresh and dextoxify the lymphatic system and hence help improve immune function. Using the unique Flowpresso suit can support you with this cleansing. The video above explains how this works.

Transcript: Flowpresso is the name of this breakthrough non-invasive natural lymphatic cleansing therapy. It is a unique combination of three therapies: compression, deep pressure, and thermodynamic heat. This combination releases toxins and puts the body into a rest and restore state. This is the only full body suit available covering the legs abdomen, arms, and torso for systemic therapeutic experience. There are 22 individual chambers that inflate according to your personal level of comfort. These inflate in a sequential cyclical pattern, which encourages lymphatic movement and fascial release. Once a member of the Afrina team helps you into the suit and programs that your individual needs, your session will begin. You will experience the warmth from the infrared heat and the squeezing sensation of a warm hug. Soft music, and an eye covering will help you to fully immerse into deep relaxation and restoration.

We invite you to try unique cleansing method in combination with your colon hydrotherapy session. You can now book a special back to back double session which starts with a 60 minute colon hydrotherapy session followed by a 40 minute lymphatic cleansing session. Available only at Inner Garden Health’s North Vancouver location.

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